Information updated January 2024
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Street address/directions: 111 Winsted Ave. W., Winsted, MN 55395
Phone number: (320) 485-5651
Clergy: Father Matthew Wiering; Father John Hayes
Established: 1869
Current number of members: 2,023
Mass schedule: Saturday at 6 p.m., Sundays at 10 a.m. Weekday Masses are Tuesday through Friday at 8:10 a.m., and Weekday Mass schedules change at various times because of funerals or other events. Please check the weekly parish bulletin for Mass times.
Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Confessions: Saturdays at 5 p.m. and a half-hour before all weekday Masses. Church organizations: Council of Catholic Women, Holy Family Council of Catholic United Financial, St. Anne Society, Catholic Order of Foresters, Knights of Columbus, choir
To join or for more information: Call the parish office at 320-485-5651, or visit Holy Trinity’s website at
Oster Evangelical Covenant Church
Denomination: Evangelical Covenant
Street address/directions: 11912 Emerson Ave. SW, Waverly (3.5 miles east of Winsted)
Phone number: (952) 955-1338
Clergy: Rev. Robert Ramphal
Established: 1888
Current number of attendees: 30
Regular schedule: Sunday worship at 10 a.m.
St. John’s Lutheran Church 
Denomination: Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
Clergy: Pastor Dave Hormann
Street address/directions: 410 1st St. N., PO Box 67, Winsted, MN 55395
Phone number: Church (320) 485-2522
Established: 1872
Current number of members: 250
Regular schedule: Sunday worship: 8:30 a.m. Contemporary service; 10:15 a.m. Traditional service. Christian Education program Wednesdays (September through May) 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Check the website for updates about Advent and Lenten services.
For more information: Contact the church office or visit any time.
River of Life Christian Church
Denomination: Christian, non-denominational
Pastor: John Wall
Street address/directions: 170 West Main Ave, PO Box 515, Winsted, MN 55395. Located on Main Street across from the post office and next to the public library
Phone number: (320) 485-9011
Established: 2013
Current attendees: 85
Regular schedule:Fellowship meal Saturday 4:30 p.m; followed by worship service Saturday 5 p.m.; Bible study Thursday from 10-11:30 am and Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30, everyone is welcome; Young Adult Group, ages 17+ on 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30
To join or for more information: Website: For more information, call 320-485-9011 or email
Churches in the Area
Albion Evangelical Free Church
11480 Fifth St. NW
Cokato Laestadian Lutheran Church
16144 20th St SW, PO Box 446
Grace Hill Church
15905 US Hwy. 12 SW, PO Box 295
Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)
280 Third St. SE., PO Box 448
First Baptist Church
395 Broadway Ave. N.
Good Shepherd Free Lutheran Church (AFLC)
5939 Oliver Ave. SW
Highland Community Church
13800 US Hwy. 12 SW, PO Box 296
New Life Assembly of God
190 Johnson Ave. NW
North Crow River Lutheran Church (ELCA)/Grace Lutheran
Grace: 17225 20th St NW, South Haven
North Crow: 45 Quinnell Ave. SW
Stockholm Lutheran Church (ELCA)
16133 Co. Rd. 30 SW
First Presbyterian Church of Howard Lake
721 Ninth St., PO Box 246
St. James Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
1000 7th Ave., PO Box 680
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ
625 12th Ave., PO Box 307
Bethel Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
77 Lincoln Ave. N., PO Box 207
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
124 Maple St. N., PO Box 38
St. Peter Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
77 Second Ave. S., PO Box 217
Harvest Community Church
Evangelical Free
700 1st Ave. N Lester Prairie, PO Box 817
Church of the Holy Family (Roman Catholic)
700 Main St. E.
Faith Presbyterian Church
108 Main St. W, 320-327-2452
Grace Bible Church (non-denominational)
300 SW Cleveland St., PO Box 267
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
109 Angel Ave. NW
Peace Lutheran Church
600 Kristi Lane, PO Box 817
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
505 Westminster Ave. SW
St. Peter Lutheran Church
3030 Navajo Ave., PO Box 508
Trinity Lutheran Church
513 Madison St. SE
Watertown Evangelical Free Church
509 Jefferson Ave. SW, PO Box 1207
Living Waters Christian Fellowship
312 Pacific Ave
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
607 Maple Ave., PO Box 278